Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
- Winter 2014: Seminar “High-dimensional data analysis”
- Summer 2014: Lecture “Self-organization in computational neurosciences” (joint with Anna Levina)
- Summer 2013: Lecture “An Introduction to Computational Neuroscience: Modeling, Simulation and Data Analysis”
University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
- Summer 2011: Lecture “Geometry” (assisting to Prof. E. Teufel)
- Winter 2010/11: Lecture “Computer Mathematics” (assisting Prof. H. Harbrecht)
- Summer 2010: Lecture “Programming in C”
- Winter 2007/08: Lecture “Introduction to Algebra and Geometry” (assisting Prof. W. Kimmerle)
Summer Schools
- July 2015: Lecturer at Berkeley Summer Course in Mining and Modeling of Neuroscience Data, Berkeley, CA, USA
- July 2014: Lecturer and tutor at summer school Data Analysis in Neuroscience, Moscow, Russia
- February 2014: Lecturer and tutor at 5th Latin American School of Computational Neuroscience (LASCON V), Natal, RN, Brazil
Freelance trainer
- 2011: Trainer for intensive course Introduction to robotics, 20 hours. euro engineering AG (now Modis), Stuttgart, Germany
- 2011: Trainer for intensive course Introduction to robotics, 30 hours. euro engineering AG (now Modis), Stuttgart, Germany